1) Freelance and Websites

Guard skill some kind preferably in either an art or tech field?? Well, then freelancing just might be for you. And the business world freelance workers are simply defined as temporary employees who you hire to do a certain task. Oh! And they are definitely not free. In general, they work by themselves have no affiliation to a large organization, meaning they are usually cheaper and more efficient in contracting a work to a large company sites like freelancer.com and many other online freelancing sites, connect clients and freelancers together but take a small cut of the page. Freelancer offers work for writing, painting, consulting, music video and pretty much anything else you would pay for something to do. Freelancing websites are usually free to sign up for and make their money off percentages and handing out certifications. Keep in mind, the old majority of freelance work requires a skill or trade. There's also tons of work to be done without any skill at all like formatting Excel sheets, collecting and entering data. He'll be viewed and seen some collecting internet sources for research papers. Just sign up and start looking for work.
2) Classified Sites

Ever open the newspaper and see in classifieds?? Well, most of you younger viewers probably happen. So just in case you don't know the classified section consists of everything from jobs to items for sale, to even social gatherings, they're essentially a paid advertising section useful for buying selling and getting a job unless you've been living under a rock. You'll also notice the classified section is no longer only available on print but many very popular classified websites have opened as well. Think Kijiji and Craigslist and you'll know what I'm talking about. There are several ways to make money through these classifieds. Some with long term commitments and others as more of a one-time gig. Browsing the job section, you'll see everything from management positions and large companies blogs, any new writers and small stuff like snow removal. One other section you should be sure to look at is the free section of each website. Somewhere among the three blood-stained mattresses and the free firewood, you may see something of actual value that someone is just giving away. So snap it up, polish it off and resell it for profit. Easy money.
3) Personal Assistant Websites

Personal assistant websites are pretty much the closest thing you'll get to a standard job from working online. Websites like zirtual.com had two forms of profiles; virtual assistants and clients. Clients subscribe to the website in a monthly cost and virtual assistants i.e. you are then signed to one or several clients. The job is pretty much being a standard secretary with the added bonus of being able to stay at home and work them and getting weekends and holidays off. During standard business hours i.e. 95 meet days, your client can assign tasks for you to do such as make PowerPoint presentations, order organize merchandise or really anything they can think of. Zirtual.com starts you with a basic pay of $12 an hour. So right off the bat you're working for more than minimum wage. Oh!And as an added bonus and unlike a secretary, you will never have to fetch coffee for your boss.
4) eBay
Well most people probably aren't too in favor of selling your drunk online. But hey, it's no use to you just laying around. Online auction sites like eBay allow users to sell pretty much anything you can fit into a shipping box provided in a physical item and of legal variety. Well not the most appealing form of income considering you have to part with some of your stuff in exchange for cash, eBay provides what is in essence a small personal store for. Someone gave you shoes you don't want, auction them off on eBay, make a few bucks. Have some old comic books or electronics?? Auction is also profit available from buying low and selling high that comes at a very large risk of not being able to resell an item or getting damaged goods. As for payment, eBay takes percent of the selling price based on how high it sells for. For example, if you sell something for $40, eBay will take 8.75 percent so about 350.