Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to Install WordPress : On Your PC Using Xampp


How to Install WordPress :  Using Xampp

Want to edit/modify themes or you're thinking to switch from Self-Hosted WordPress Site to Hosted WordPress Site or running it locally in your PC. Then, we're ready to go.

WordPress and Xampp
WordPress + Xampp 

There are lots of advantages of installing WordPress Site in our local machine. For this, first thing we do is the installation of the Xampp. And run it. 

Xampp is easy-to-install server environment. I also prefer xampp for the WordPress Web Development. 

Note : The following instructions are all based upon the assumption that Xampp is installed and running locally on your Windows PC. 

Xampp on localhost
Xampp on localhost

Installing WordPress

Now, download WordPress file.

Link to download manually

Go to the Folder where we've installed Xampp. For instance "C:/Program Files/Xampp/htdocs". Find a folder named htdocs , open it , extract the downloaded file of WordPress there. Rename it whatever you like, like "wordpress", "MyWP". 

Now, Open it, there we rename the wp-config-sample to wp-config. Then, we open it using text editor or notepad will also help.
Changes in wp-config

The above code are the login details for your database.

  • Replace "database_name_here" with the database name that we're going to create for our wordpress site as shown below.

wordpress database name

  • Replace other required informations if required like username, password.

We're very close to the installation of wordpress.

Open your browser. Go to http://localhost/wordpress/ .

Note : Here, "wordpress" in this link http://localhost/wordpress is the name that we gave earlier to our wordpress site. 

You should see this image in your browser.😆

Click on Continue button.

Provide all the necessary information ("Site Title" , "Username", "Password" , "Your Email") and click Install WordPress.

If everything goes fine, you'll see a success page. Click the "Log In" button. It will take you to the login page.

Fill the username and password that you filled earlier in Information needed page. Now, you should see the dashboard.

Woohooo ! Congratulations. We have successfully installed wordpress on our machine.

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